based on "need"... or the publishing cycle)... gives it to these young men (and women, yes)... and such ones pull the info from their files(ass?) and use to write the new article.
You know, it was only once I was out of the c u l t that I realized that these articles were on a regular rotational cycle - same sh*t, different month/year ...trotting out the usual Christmas, New Year, birthday, memorial, crime and violence, environment articles etc...slight tweakings to update the information in view of current world events but getting blander and blander by the year - really not saying a whole lot in paragraph after paragraph and citing scriptures ad nauseum with only the vaguest connection to the point made (sometimes very little connection, leaving you to scratch your head as to why that particular scripture was even cited). Not too many people would want to put their name on that kind of retrotting out of information, methinks.
If I remember correctly, the old Aw8ke! used to occasionally have articles about things in other countries where at least they said "by Aw8ke correspondent in (name of country here)". Even in that case, I don't think names were used, except if the article were a sort of memoir about an individual's life, in which case it was the individual himself who had written it. I guess they weren't worried about creature worship in that case?? Most of their reasonings eventually break down and, in this case, I don't understand why someone writing about their own life is allowed to use their name, but someone apparently sounding forth God's sacred pronouncements has to remain incognito. More doublespeak, as usual.
On occasion, I've had a chance to leaf through bound volumes from the 60s and 70s where there were actually meaty (in due season!) articles relating to matters of doctrine that you could tell had been researched in at least some depth to actually convey information. Those kinds of articles have gone the way of the dodo. I think the more they research, the more they are beginning to see that their whole raison d'etre is crumbling on all sides. Better not to claim ownership in case they ever get called on it; hide under cover of the corporation.
Just my 2c.